In this article, you’ll find out key insights you need to know and take advantage of to improve your dating game. If you take note of the points, take advantage of the knowledge and apply them to your dating game, it will give you leverage over other men when dealing with women, making you more attractive and causing more women to chase you uncontrollably.
This knowledge will improve your psychology and make you better with women. Let’s go into it.
Guys, there is no limit to how attractive you can be. Do not feel you have gotten to the peak of your attractiveness and can do nothing more to improve your look. But this is not true. There is always something new you can try on yourself that will make you more attractive.
Go to the gym and build your body, put on more muscle. This will make clothes fit better on you and make you look more energetic and masculine.
Get a skincare routine. Fix your face and get rid of acne on your face. Fix your fashion. Your fashion game should be on point.
Fix your teeth. Do not walk around with plaques on your teeth. It makes you look less attractive.
Visit the dentist. Scale and polish your teeth every six months, and get a teeth whitening if you can afford it.
This will make you more attractive. Get a clean and nice haircut every week. Work on your attractiveness all around. Fix yourself. And you’ll notice women behaving differently around you and leaning towards you more.
Read: –MEN GROOMING – 5 Features That Will Instantly Make You Look More Attractive
Guys, the dating market is not fair. Women rate you based on the advantage you have over her other options. Women don’t go for less, and they don’t care to know why you are not better. They simply go for a better option. That is why you need to take advantage of everything within your means. You need leverage in the dating market to gain an advantage over other guys. For this to be possible, you have to work on yourself and maximize your value every time.
You have to take advantage of everything that will make you better and improve your value. You have to build yourself to be a high-value man. Be a complete man. Build your finances. Improve your dating game to be better with women. Improve your fashion. Improve your health and your skin. This will give you more leverage in the dating market. And women will pick you first among other guys because of how well you’ve built yourself.
Women are naturally emotional, so they find it very difficult matching their actions with their words. They can say something and do something totally different. They can say they want something and settle for something totally opposite. This is why people always say women don’t know what they want. So never care about what they tell you they want.
They will tell you they don’t care if you are fat. Do not listen. They will tell you looks don’t matter. That they care more about personality. But they go out there seeking the attention of a guy with a ripped body. They go chasing the attention of that guy who is 6 ft tall. This is why you don’t listen to them. Instead, pay more attention to what they do.
Women all over the world want a guy who is better than other guys within a space. So focus on improving your life. Build yourself. And see women chase you. Do not listen to what they say. Women do not know what they want.
Guys, you see that girl you see as the most beautiful girl. You feel she is so adorable. She is not a rare breed. There is nothing special about her. There are millions of girls that are more attractive than she is.
So do not treat any girl like she is special. Treat her like a normal human. See her like you see other people if you want to keep her. This is because women don’t want to be needed. They want you to like them, but not to need them. Or build your life around her. That is the easiest way to make a girl lose interest. So see her as you see every regular human out there.
This will spark her curiosity. Knowing that other guys pedestalize her and you do not. Will make her wonder and chase your validation and attention more.
Most women always go out telling people sex does not matter to them, but it has been proven that women are more sexual than men and enjoy sex more than men do. Remember, women will tell you something and do something else. This is why you don’t listen to them.
Guys, sex matters to women. Every woman dreams of having a great encounter in the bedroom with a man that is skilled and energetic enough to give them a great experience. If a woman experiences great sex with a guy, she can’t get enough of it. She will want it from him over and over again. No matter how high-value and well-rounded you are as a man, if your bedroom game is poor, she will seek out a guy who can give her a great experience in the bedroom. She can relate with you on anything else, but when it comes to sex, she’ll go to that guy that gives her a better experience.
This is why you also need to improve your bedroom game as a man. Go to the gym, reduce your body fat, put on some muscles, take care of your health, quit smoking and drinking, and eat healthy foods. Stay away from sugar to improve your sex game. If you are a high-value man and still have a great bedroom game, it will be difficult for any woman who encounters you to leave you.
If you are able to implement everything in this video, lots of women will be attracted to you and will chase you for something more.
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